
un scriitor controversat caruia i s-au atribuit lucruri si fapte si intamplari care nimeni nu poate sti daca au fost reale sau nu....
Cele dousprezece(12) carti ale sale au fost vandute in peste 8 milioane de exemplare si traduse in 17 limbi.
Un om de stiinta si un "cautator" de lumina... nu a vorbit prea mult in public despre munca sa(cartile sale); doar spre sfarsitul vietii a dat cateva interviuri...
Daca v-am starnit curiozitatea, va invit sa ii cautati , cititi , savurati cartile:
(lista titlurilor in romaneste am "furat-o" de la domnu' doctor)
-Invataturile lui Don Juan
- Cealalta realitate
- Povestiri despre putere
- Al doilea cerc de putere
- Calatorie la Ixtlan
- Focul launtric
- Puterea tacerii
- Arta visatului
- Latura activa a infinitatii
- Darul vulturului
- Pase magice
"Carlos Castaneda was a Peruvian-born American author who graduated from the University of California with a PhD in Anthropology. Starting with The Teachings of Don Juan in 1968, he wrote a series of controversial books that purported to describe his training in traditional Mesoamerican shamanism. Initially his books were considered works of anthropology, but five years after the first book was published, people such as Joyce Carol Oates began to question whether they weren't in fact fiction. Castaneda never provided any field notes and no professional has ever met the individuals about whom he wrote.
Castaneda was very protective of his privacy and until recently little was known about him outside what was learned from his twelve books. He rarely spoke in public except toward the end of his life, and gave very few interviews.
Since those early days when Oates called his writings into question academics, concluding that his books were fiction, have written about the inconsistencies in his work, citing the books' internal contradictions, discrepancies between the books and anthropological data, alternate sources for Castaneda's detailed knowledge of shamanic practices, and the lack of corroborating evidence. While today his publisher Simon & Schuster still publishes his books as non-fiction, it is generally acknowledged that there is little evidence to suggest that Castaneda's books were the result of actual field work with a Mesoamerican shaman as he claimed."
- The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge (1968) .
- A Separate Reality: Further Conversations with Don Juan (1971)
- Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan (1972)
- Tales of Power (1974)
- The Second Ring of Power (1977)
- The Eagle's Gift (1981)
- The Fire From Within (1984)
- The Power of Silence: Further Lessons of Don Juan (1987) .
- The Art of Dreaming (1993)
- Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico (1998)
- The Active Side of Infinity (1999)
- The Wheel of Time: The Shamans Of Mexico (2000)
"With our attention we can hold the images of a dream in the same way we hold the images of the world. The art of the dreamer is the art of attention."
"A man of knowledge is free...he has no honor, no dignity, no family, no home, no country, but only life to be lived."--don Juan
Va invit , cu mare drag dar si curiozitate in acelasi timp, sa vorbiti despre cartile pe care cititi...in weekend , in vacanta, in metrou, in tren...., de ce nu, in fiecare zi ...etc, etc.
Aceasta postare mi-a fost inspirata de Biblioteca Babel si neobositul ei patron si colectionar.
Astept cu nerabdare postarile si comentariile dumneavoastra!
Please, be my guests, and write about the books you read in weekends, day off , why not ,the books you read every day ...etc, etc!
I am looking forward for your comments & posts!
6 comentarii:
Numai si amintirea numelui Castaneda, este de ajuns pentru mine,ca sa tresalt de bucurie. Am aflat aici de la dvs. ca voi avea sansa sa citesc si o a 12-a carte de acest autor, despre care nu am aflat sa fi fost tradusa in romana. Este o sarbatoare pentru mine, postarea despre Castaneda. Voi persevera si eu, pe "Babel".
Uite ca mai gasim o impatimita a cartilor dincolo de ocean....frumos!
Imbratisari satmarene si o primavara implinitoare sa ai!
Castaneda nu face parte dintre favoritii mei, dar asta nu ma impiedica sa-i admir pe cei ce-i pretuiesc scrierile - tot ceea ce provoaca dispute si controverse e demn de studiat si aprofundat.
In momentul de fata citesc ceva "lejer", o carte care se straduieste sa faca lumina intre legenda si adevar in ceea ce-i priveste pe piratii care au strabatut oceanele lumii intre sec. XVII-XIX.
Multumesc pentru incurajare...Domn' Doctor..
sper sa fie un inceput bun pentru mine, aceasta serie a cartilor de duminica, cartea de pe noptiera....
Ohhhh, doamna, intotdeauna am iubit cartile....cand munceam cate 18 ore pe zi, nu prea mai aveam timp sa citesc...
Acum, slava Domnului, nu trebuie sa mai traiesc in ritmul acela....imi permit sa citesc mai mult!
Toate cele bune, o duminica de Florii plina de flori si zambete!
Stimata doamna, bun venit...multumesc pentru vizita si comentariu...
Apreciez si respect foarte mult sinceritatea dvs. in ceea ce il priveste pe Castaneda...Multumesc!
Suna foarte interesanta si "aventuroasa" cartea pe care o citit acum...poate ne spuneti mai multe despre ea..
Toate cele bune!
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