The Sacramento Capitol Garden.
Va doresc o primavara asa cum v-o doriti, plina de zambete si flori!
I wish you a spring as you wish for...full of smiles and flowers!
Pe unde ma duc pasii... Fly like a leaf in the wind...
"Carlos Castaneda was a Peruvian-born American author who graduated from the University of California with a PhD in Anthropology. Starting with The Teachings of Don Juan in 1968, he wrote a series of controversial books that purported to describe his training in traditional Mesoamerican shamanism. Initially his books were considered works of anthropology, but five years after the first book was published, people such as Joyce Carol Oates began to question whether they weren't in fact fiction. Castaneda never provided any field notes and no professional has ever met the individuals about whom he wrote.
Castaneda was very protective of his privacy and until recently little was known about him outside what was learned from his twelve books. He rarely spoke in public except toward the end of his life, and gave very few interviews.
Since those early days when Oates called his writings into question academics, concluding that his books were fiction, have written about the inconsistencies in his work, citing the books' internal contradictions, discrepancies between the books and anthropological data, alternate sources for Castaneda's detailed knowledge of shamanic practices, and the lack of corroborating evidence. While today his publisher Simon & Schuster still publishes his books as non-fiction, it is generally acknowledged that there is little evidence to suggest that Castaneda's books were the result of actual field work with a Mesoamerican shaman as he claimed."